For those of you who have experienced hardships in their journey, what I would want to tell them is- do not give up on your dreams. No one would have convinced me better than myself to hold on, by continuing to push forward, by continuing to move towards my dream.

  • Don’t stop
    Now here is the important point, nothing works the first time. When you try something new it would probably won’t work, and the turning point comes when you hear new ideas and you become so eager to be successful, in quest of which you would run out and try out the ideas. But what if they don’t work? The same happened to me too, but I decided that I won’t stop trying until I get it right. The key to success of my life is to have a good idea and stable goal, which motivates one to try new things in order to achieve these desired goals.
  • Keep going and try something new
    So even if we going to try something new, there are only two things that are going to happen: either you are going to succeed or you are going to fail. If you succeed then you do more of it and if you fail then you learn from it. So you cannot lose by taking action, you can only loose without taking action. Every time you lose one thing is for sure, you are one step closer to winning the next time. The only difference between successful and non-successful people is the ones who give up. Motivate yourself for the ability to take a loss. Get up the next day, dust yourself off and KEEP GOING, and this is the trait of a fighter who is ready to face it all.
  • Embrace your losses!
    Here is a thing: You should never quit, never fall back, even if you continue to fail it shouldn’t matter to you, as long you have the will to get up again and fight back. There is a famous saying to this: if you hang around the barber shop, sooner or later you are going to get a haircut, so hold on until you will catch your break. The point is every person has the training and talent to succeed but do you have the guts to fail?

So what you have to do is just to keep going. Even if there is nothing very novel about the idea, a lot of entrepreneurs stories are driven by some moment: find your moment. Find that thing that you love, that really gives you the joy and that will be it. So, my dear friends, you do not have to go anywhere to find the inspiration that guides you, even the smallest thing like a clock teaches you to keep going, no matter the situation, the weather or the circumstances, and it just keeps on going.

As time waits for none, so shouldn’t you!